I have dogs. Two dogs.


I have dogs. Two dogs. Trizzle Demur Jones, is a 9 1/2 year old, 14 pound, Terrier mix. Boomhauer, is a 3 year old, 90 pound, American Bulldog. He’s known as “The Beast.” If you’ve been following The Meltdown, you KNOW The Beast stories.

I also have a neighbor. Used to be two neighbors until the smart female LEFT the male’s ass and now there’s one. He’s not very social…….at all. They, I mean HE, has dogs. Two dogs. Two younger German Shepherds who’s humans, as a duo, used to train in MY front yard when the two first moved in about a year-ish ago.

Now, I’ve been unemployed since March of 2013 which means I’ve been home more than I’ve cared to be, but I digress. I receive a call from my wonderful landlord this past May asking “Did youuuu….get a new dog????” To which I replied… “Nooooo.” Long blog short, ends up that my SOLO, anti-social male neighbor complained to the Homeowners Association that my dogs bark CONSTANTLY. Actually, make that TWO complaints. TWO! Not once did he come right next door to talk to me before that… just went straight for the HOA complaint. A-hole.

Flash forward to this Christmas Eve. I’m on day 4 of a very long, tiring 2 1/2 weeks of nothing but overnight shifts and as I arrive home at 10pm on X-mas Eve, right before I have to turn around and head to work. My phone rings. It’s my wonderful landlord. “I received an e-mail from your neighbor that your dogs have been barking non-stop since 7 o’clock.” “They’re in the house and I seriously doubt they have enough reason, care or energy to bark non-stop for three hours.” “I agree,” my wonderful landlord says, “…maybe you can go talk to him.” Oh, yea… I’ll go talk to him.

Lets just say it didn’t go well at all. 1) As he answered his door his two “spent a ton of money on a personal trainer” dogs are going ape-SHHHT and he can’t control them as one busts out the door, jumps on me and scratches my arm. 2) He then proceeds to relay some cockamamie story of how my dogs have been barking constantly for months… really? I’ve been HOME, dumb-@$$ for the past 9 months so I would know first-hand when they’re barking… and they don’t. 3) He can’t give me dates, times or any other specifics on just when my dogs conjure up enough energy to bark uncontrollably for hours on end (cue the BS flag). 4) He threatens to call Animal Control… OK.. have at it.. here’s the number. 5) I ask him, if it were my dogs barking, give me a full-proof solution to make it end, to which he says, “You can get a trainer.” My smart-@$$ reply? “Yea, ’cause that’s working REAL well for YOUR dogs!” My final words to him were “Piss off!”

I don’t dig conflict with anyone. But if someone is going to go to great lengths to make up BS like this… game on. You best have proof; pictures, video, audio or whatever you’ll need to prove your case otherwise… shut up. My dogs are the two laziest lumps of fur I know. They coma out most of the day, every day, and don’t bark at anything unless there’s something or someone to bark AT and that lasts for only a few seconds. However, if someone tries to get into their territory… may God have mercy on them.

I truly hope my neighbor thinks twice about pushing his BS further. I’m super sweet until someone tinkers with my life. Then, again…game on.

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