Category Firechild


The Peanuts Gang was one of my FAVE cartoons growing up and I still, to this day, LOVE watching them all; “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” and “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown,” etc. Hell, I used to draw Snoopy lying on his dog house all the time in elementary school and Woodstock is adorable.I’ll still watch them on Netflix when I have a sec to plop on the couch and simply want to watch something that makes me smile.

NOW… They’re coming back and I can’t wait!

A brand new 3-D movie is coming our November of 2015 (OK, so that’s a bit far off but what-ev!) and you KNOW I’m gonna be draggin’ my kids to the theater for some over-priced popcorn and chocolate goodies to watch this movie with those ridiculous red and green paper glasses stuck to my face… yep...

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The Fire Flood


I’ve been running around like a chicken freshly absent it’s head; SO much so that I didn’t even realize the beginning of my next year of existence starts next week… the last time I thought about it was about 2 1/2 months ago and, BAM,  here it is!

I enjoy being busy and productive, however there does come a point where the water is about to overflow the tub and create a mess… flash back to my blog post from last week and you’ll notice the beginning of the Fire Flood.

For those who don’t know, I did a show on my “Paid Gig” station, Playlist 92.7FM, with Slade Smiley from Real Housewives of OC called “Radio Slade.” When my Paid Gig got sold, everything went away including Radio Slade… however, it was just on hiatus!

I’ve been working with Slade and Live365 on the building of the “Radio Sla...

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Don’tCha Hate It When…

Brain Short Circuit

Don’tCha Hate It When…

I get up this morning and begin, what is now, my typical crazy day: shower, hair, wake kids up, get them to school, run home, apply some make up, gather computer, run to (can’t tell you where right now but I will), return home, work on other radio/work stuff, pick kids up from school, work out with the hubby (if I have time), eat dinner, go to bed only to sometimes get up a few hours later and pull an overnight shift. The overnight shifts are from 12 midnight to 6am on weekdays and this week I’m taking another reporter’s Thursday and Friday shifts. (Remember that point.)

Well, somewhere in the midst of this morning, my brain short-circuited.

While running to drop the kids off at school, I told my 5-year-old, Q-man that he didn’t go to his after-school program today ...

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