Whovian tagged posts

Dr. Martens are cool

(This is the second blog in a series of blogs entitled “Brado’s Quarter-Life Crisis” for the Meltdownshow.com. Enjoy.)

In the middle of the week it was relieved online what the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, will be wearing in the upcoming Doctor Who series from the BBC.

I usually don’t get all excited about costume design in British television, but figured it was a point of interest knowing that in the next year you’ll start to see tweens dressing like a 1200-year-old Time Lord (55-year-old man) in thick sole Dr. Martens and a red silk lined coat…


And did you notice the shoes? No “sand shoes” this time around. The Doctor (costume designer) has great taste…

Dr. Martens are cool.

2014-02-01 11.12.40 HDR

These are my Docs. They’re not as shiny or frilly as the Doctor’s and are low-top, but I don’t mind...

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